
Personal Search Engine and More.

Theses days, more and more people are aware of tracking by major and most search engine companies.

This created a new market for privacy-conscious people. DuckDuckGo has been there for a while, also there are other indy search engines.

If there could be a movement that will enable the average citizen to find their own content and sites, it will greatly empower them.

A crawler is usually difficult to make for the average computer user, but I am going to plan to change that and make a Windows program that will be able to output CSV files so that it can be imported to various database systems like MySQL, Postgre, Solr, Elastic Search etc.

The simple version that is highly scalable is already made, I just need to release it as an alpha version. The alpha version will have some bugs, of course, but we can iron that out.

Hopefully, the world will be able to create and modify their own personal search engine to bring information control to themselves.

For more information, contatct:
stingraze@protonmail.ch or


Interesting move from Bing

Interesting move from Bing.



Thoughts on Building Search Engine.

Well, I'm taking the Udacity's course on building a search engine, and the course really helped me in many areas, including ranking and the future of computing.

One interesting topic I learned is the energy aware computing which does jobs according to the type of energy source available. (exp. when wind energy is available, make index)

I am determined to make Mohawk even better, and want to implement a semantic engine to it soon.

Probably that will start by making a small dictionary of words I want to focus on, and building a semantic map like Google's Knowledge Graph.

Starting small, I also want to take part in open source projects (like Solr and Lucene) as I know it will benefit me greatly, and if possible the community.

I also want to be able to be a person who can contribute to the community by giving back, like it was mentioned in Udacity's course.

Tsubasa Kato 5/28/2012


GAE Search API

GAE Search API is something I found out recently, and planning to dig deeper.

