
What I'm thinking of... December 2010

Hi, thanks for reading Search Engine Trends. The weather outside is getting chilly, but my heart ain't! lol.

But seriously, there are lots of plans I am thinking of doing in 2011.

The search engine I'm making is almost finished, just need the most important part: ranking.

I thought of several ranking algorithms, but won't share it with you in detail here.

I am thinking of making a TF-IDF with semantic analysis.

Keep checking back here for latest news on Mohawk.

Also, I am thinking of renaming my search engine to something more POP. Any suggestions will be welcome, just drop me a line at: tsubasa_kato@hotmail.com or comment here.

If you think of some good name, I'll think about using it, and give the naming credit to you in a dedicated page.